At birth, a healthy, full-term baby’s senses are not fully developed. They can’t see things very well yet and struggle to control their movement with full intention and control. The hearing of a baby, however, is perfect: It is prepared and ready to absorb information.
During pregnancy, many parents naturally introduce sound to communicate with their baby. When parents gently speak to their baby, the baby responds. Among many sounds, music is one of the greatest communication tools. It becomes a wonderful medium not only to soothe the baby but also to express the parents’ love and joy for the baby. Sound is a cognitive nutrient to them. Through sound, they begin to understand the world around them.
Music can accelerate brain development. If sound is a food to babies, music is superfood to toddlers! It is not only beneficial for them to enjoy, but also highly effective in terms of helping to stimulate their brain development and learning process. Music helps a child’s body and mind work together. It has been scientifically proven that music helps to improve a child’s brainpower and memory functions. Music can help accelerate brain development, specifically in the areas of reading and language and reasoning skills (left side of the brain) as they learn the sounds and meaning of words. Studies show that young children who participate in music classes have improved speech development and learn to read more easily. Songs can also help children remember information.
Music can help teach patience. All music has rhythms which consist of different melodies and breaks. When we hear a short break in music where there is no singing voice or instruments being played, we do not get nervous because we know that a new melody is coming.
This aspect of music naturally becomes a great tool for toddlers to learn the meaning and the value of patience. Songs and movement games are great tools for introducing small wait times and creating anticipation (think Pop! Goes the Weasel).
Learning to play an instrument can also help teach patience and take a child’s development to the next level. When a child learns to play an instrument, as example, they learn how to work as part of a team, and they learn discipline through practice and repetition. This helps them develop a tremendous amount of patience as it requires a great deal of time and effort.
Music can help teach motor skills. Children can develop fine and gross motor skills through music, especially through the use of musical instruments. Drumming using an open hand can build gross motor skills. Holding a drum stick and tapping can develop fine motor skills, as an example. Songs that incorporate motions like ‘Itsy Bitsy Spider’ also help children work on their fine-motor coordination through hand and finger control, which is a necessary skill required in writing and managing small objects. When children add in a dance to the music, their mind and body become one and they perfect their control of their arms and legs.
Music helps children express themselves, showcase their creative side and feel happy.
At Core Education and Fine Arts, music is a key part of our award-winning curriculum, proven to help children learn and grow. Try to expose your child to music as much as possible at home to enjoy the many benefits it has to offer. These skills are all important so it’s a good idea to help support your child’s interest in music in any way you can.