Family Activities
Family Activity Resources for Parents
Spending time together as a family has lots of benefits for mental health. Fun family activities can build on what your child learns at school and can help improve their communication skills, strengthen bonds, and help young children build a positive sense of self-worth. Whether it’s board games, card games, science experiments, or road trip fun, family activities in early childhood help children explore new things and get a jump start their cognitive development.
These resources are intended to guide parents with fun activities for kids that are beneficial to both their body and the brain. And don’t forget, your kids love just being with you for whatever fun ideas you come up with.

Great Outdoor Activities for the Body and the Brain
With the warm weather finally upon us, there are plenty of fun outdoor activities for our little ones to enjoy!…

7 Simple ways to help your family rediscover nature
It took you a while to get your child dressed and fed in the morning, but you are finally ready…