Your Guide to the Alberta Subsidies

Learn about the provincial childcare subsidy amounts available to families in Alberta.

In 2022, the provincial government increased subsidy amounts for eligible Alberta families under updated daycare subsidy guidelines

You can apply for childcare subsidies if your child is enrolled in:

  • A licensed facility-based program (daycare, out-of-school care, or preschool)
  • A family day home program overseen by a licensed family day home agency
  • A group family childcare centre

In Alberta, these subsidies are available:

Child Care Subsidy

A Child Care Subsidy assists eligible families with children 0 to 12 years of age (and not yet in Grade 7) to pay childcare costs—with one of these subsidies per child:

  • Subsidy for 0 to Kindergarten-age (child care during school hours)
  • Subsidy for Kindergarten to Grade 6 (child care outside school hours)
  • Preschool subsidy

Extended Hours Subsidy

The Extended Hours Subsidy assists families with a valid reason for childcare outside the regular hours of 6 am to 6 pm, or on weekends, to receive in addition to one Child Care Subsidy—an extra $100 per month per child.

The licensed or approved program must be approved to offer extended hours of care. The child must require 4 or more hours of extended hours of care in a month for the family to receive the additional $100.

Subsidy type and rates

Subsidy rates vary by program type as well as the age of the child attending childcare. The subsidy rate is determined mainly by three factors:

  1. Gross household income
  2. Type of childcare program
  3. Number of hours the child attends per month

In 2022, the provincial government introduced four types of childcare subsidies. Eligible families can only receive one Child Care Subsidy type. If your case can be applied to more than one subsidy type, you will receive the subsidy with the highest subsidy rate. Please note that the Extended Hours Subsidy is the only exception which can be applied in addition to other subsidy rates if applicable.

To check your eligibility for this expanded child care financial support, please visit the provincial government website, and apply.

Child Care Subsidy
Subsidy Description
Subsidy Rates (per month)
Family Income (annual gross)
Number of Hours (per month)

0 to Kindergarten age

child care during school hours

From $106 up to $266 depending on family income

Must be under $180,000
Full-time (100 hours)1
Kindergarten to Grade 6
licensed programs outside regular school hours

From $92 up to $644 depending on family income

Must be under $90,000

Kindergarten2 (100 hours) Grades 1-6 (50 hours)
licensed preschool program
Flat rate of $125
Must be under $180,000
  1. Part-time rates are prorated based on hours. If your child attends part-time (less than 100 hours per month), your rates are prorated based on hours and your income level. For example, 70 hours means 70% of the full-time rate.
  2. Facility-based, day home and group family Kindergarten are eligible.
  3. The subsidy rate is the same for all income brackets.
  4. The licensed program must be approved to offer extended hours of care. Child must not use overnight accommodation nor receive an overnight affordability grant.

Subsidy type and rates

Subsidy rates vary by program type as well as the age of the child attending childcare. The subsidy rate is determined mainly by three factors:

  1. Gross household income
  2. Type of childcare program
  3. Number of hours the child attends per month

Effective January 2022, there are four subsidy types that the provincial government funds. Eligible families can only receive one Child Care Subsidy type. If your case can be applied to more than one subsidy type, you will receive the subsidy with the highest subsidy rate. Please note that the Extended Hours Subsidy is the only exception which can be applied in addition to other subsidy rates if applicable.

To check your eligibility for this expanded childcare financial support, please visit the provincial government website, and apply:

Child Care Subsidy (rates per month)
0 to Kindergarten age

(child care during school hours)

From $106 up to $266 depending on family income.

Family Income (annual gross) must be under $180,000. Full-time (100 hours).1

Kindergarten to Grade 6

(licensed programs outside regular school hours)

From $92 up to $644 depending on family income.

Family Income (annual gross) must be under $90,000. Kindergarten (100 hours)2. Grades 1–6 (50 hours).


(licensed preschool program)

Flat rate of $125

Family Income (annual gross) must be under $180,000

Extended Hours Subsidy4

(weekends and/or outside 6am to 6pm)

Extra $100 per child

Depending on subsidy type. At least 4 hours in a month.

  1. Part-time rates are prorated based on hours. If your child attends part-time (less than 100 hours per month), your rates are prorated based on hours and your income level. For example, 70 hours means 70% of the full-time rate.
  2. Facility-based, day home and group family Kindergarten are eligible
  3. The subsidy rate is the same for all income brackets
  4. The licensed program must be approved to offer extended hours of care. Child must not use overnight accommodation nor receive an
    overnight affordability grant

Our Core Education & Fine Arts Private Schools are a ‘Licensed Child Care Facility’.

Licensed childcare facilities are monitored and regularly inspected by regional health authorities. They must meet specific requirements for health and safety, staffing qualifications, record keeping, space and equipment, child-to-staff ratios, and programming.

At Core Education & Fine Arts, we help children gain the success and confidence they need to go into kindergarten. CEFA Early Learning Private School was established in 1998 and is Canada’s oldest and independent leading private school for children ages one to five.

Our proprietary, award winning curriculum is based on the latest research in child & brain development academically, socially and physically. When you get your provincial early childhood education subsidy, give your child the best gift and enroll with CEFA.

We are here to help you.

Even during a pandemic, the BC and Alberta provincial governments have recognized the importance of early childhood education and are investing in the future of the children of both provinces. A child’s first years have a profound impact on the rest of their lives.

Early childhood education helps the development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong learning and wellbeing. Learn more about the Importance of Early Childhood Education here.

How To Apply:

Online: It takes approx. 10 business days to process electronic applications.

Mail or Fax: It takes approx. 3 weeks or longer if not all supporting documents are

Don’t miss out! Let us help. Contact CEFA today and one of our Early Childhood Learning Specialists will guide you through the process. It’s free to call or email.

Let us know if you have any questions or inquiries of provincial government subsidies.